Monday, March 29, 2010

What's been happening...

Well it's been a while since I got to do any updates on the blog - lots of distractions have kept me away from getting out on the Speed 3 and there's been little time for sitting down in a quiet corner to update the blog!
First of all the big surprise that Pete & Leone have gone off to Adelaide to live - it all happened so quickly and they moved over there last week - all our best wishes go with them & hopefully we'll catch up with them often when they journey back to the police state for a visit...
Then I started job hunting when my contract finished & then I completed an audio production course at RMIT on the week-ends - its been a bit crazy!
But just before the madness kicked in, a few of us took a trip to Castlemaine for the week-end. It was that week-end when the hail the size of golf balls hit Melbourne!
Malcolm looked like he'd come back home as he rode along on "Mr Bloor" (his new S3) - he loves it!
Luckily we didn't get any of the storm & spent the afternoon sitting outside a cafe in the main street sampling local wines and trying out a few beers.
The accommodation was perfect - a big old guesthouse walking distance to the main street.
There were bu
nches of wild grapes and figs in the back garden - the grapes were lush & Vicki made delicious jam out of the figs when we got back.
The bikes even got their own shed for the night!
On the way back we stopped in Daylesford just as the gay festival was getting underway - lots of beautiful people and plenty of queens! He/she had a particular interest in motorcyclists - think it might have been the leather!!

The following week-end I went back up to Bright to fly ultralights & we met up with Vicki & Mick.
What a night we had on the Friday we arrived - we ended up in the Wandiligong pub at an open mic night. The price for that night was paid dearly the next day...
We went out last week-end to the Khan Curry Hut with Mick & Vicki to say farewell to Pete & Leone (we were in Bright on the week-end they had their farewell). I'd definitely recommend it if you are into Indian food - service and meals were excellent.
But apart from that life's been quiet on the bike front. I'm not sure what's happening with the local RAT now - there seems to be a lull in interest at the moment! Interestingly, I was walking past Peter Stevens Triumph in Melbourne a couple of weeks ago and the RAT guys were gathering for the Sunday ride - looked like there was a few of them getting together. See you on the road...