That project finished but then it was off on another one working in Sydney & Brisbane! It's all great for the air miles but not so good for the ride miles :-)
I had a burn a few weeks ago with a few mates from Melbourne. My mate Mark's just bought himself a new Street Triple R & he loves it.
He's already got heaps of after-market bits and there's more on the way. It looks & feels great to ride - seems a little different to the earlier model Street 3 in the riding position - the bars seem flatter and lower. I wasn't sure about those new lights but they're growing on me. Anyway, our ride took us up through Greendale and Blackwood then Daylesford and Hepburn Springs hotel for lunch.

Anybody asked where our bike tax moneys going now? Remember, the new state government is the one that promised several years ago to remove it if they got elected... just like the public transport promises - all smoke & mirrors! Maybe we should write to the local member & remind him - especially Denis Napthine as he was the one at the bike protest rally!!
Last week the Speed 3 got another accessory - anodised brake reservoirs. All went well with the back one but then the front one came to a standstill when I realised I nee

The weather in Hobart was beautiful when I was down there working & I couldn't stop thinking "if only I had trumpy down here..." maybe I'll get back down for a holiday later in the year and get to ride on those beautiful roads.
Looks like the local RAT group is kicking off again - I think there was a ride last week-end. I wasn't around so didn't get to join them - maybe next time...
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