Just after Inverleigh there's a little road that cuts through a valley to Shelford. It's usually an amazing little road for bikes with great visibility & awesome corners. It was still as good as ever for me out front but not so good for those behind -my back wheel was ripping up & throwing loose gravel at the bikes coming behind! I wondered why they were backing off...

The ride from Shelford to Rokewood was boring & straight but we cruised along at a reasonable pace. We had just stopped in Rokewood when we were joined by Cheryl & Mal on the TT & Trident. It was time for a coffee and we pulled up at a lonely little Milk Bar where the owner looked slightly nervous as 14 bikers started rolling in looking for coffee, tea, egg & bacon rolls and hot cross buns!
Now with a total of 11 bikes we headed for Ballarat and The Grapes Hotel. Leigh reckoned it was somewhere near Sovereign Hill but PJ was confident he knew the location and led us confidently to The North Star Hotel!! A quick chat to the barman and we were back on track - and it was close to Sovereign Hill after all. Rod & Shirley kept the Triumph theme going and rocked up in there beautiful little Triumph Herald - leaving the Bonnie & T'Bird at home for a change. Now with 11 bikes and a Herald and 16 RATs we sat down for a well-earned Sunday lunch.

Leigh was a champion and managed to control the rowdy crowd as he persisted to get ideas and document a draft calendar for the rest of the year. A couple of trips were included to The Grampians, Marysville and Talbot.
A couple of RATs are also doing some research on a Tassie trip next year and will bring details to the next monthly meeting.
As soon as Leigh has all details for the calendar confirmed a copy will be dstributed at the monthly meeting.

It was a good day even though we didn't get to the show & shine - maybe next time.
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