I had a couple of interesting photos sent to me by Leigh a couple of weeks ago. Sounds like he was cleaning up his computer and came across some old photos from some of the early RAT ride days & trips.
I remember both trips when the photos were taken - one of them was particularly memorable as we experienced our first flying VFR and a group of bike riders that had more faith than we had! That was the trip to Rawson - after all the events of the previous day when one of the blokes from Berwick wrote off his VFR we were hits with high winds and a gum tree across the road - I remember Leigh looking at me, pointing up to the sky & saying "He did this"! The guys from Berwick had just earlier gathered us in a huddle before we left Rawson to say a prayer!!
The second photo was from a trip to Halls Gap - Murray was out trying to impress the roos... he got more than he bargained for!! We've had a couple of good trips to the Grampians over the years.
The next long week-end public holiday is over the Labour Day week-end in March (6, 7 & 8). So, a few of us had a chat about where we could go when we met at the Wharfshed on Thursday night. First choice was Port Fairy - but the music festivals put a stop to that idea - So plan is to ride down to Petersborough on the coast just beyond Port Campbell and stay Saturday and Sunday nights. We'd do a ride on Sunday - maybe further down the coast or inland up towards the Grampians. Pete's getting some details of accommodatioin & I'll post it here soon.
Sunday ride day - 31st Jan - Plan is to meet at Texas in Mercer at 9am & ride via Deans Marsh, Forest, and Mertons Track to Lavers Hil & then down to Apollo Bay for lunch.
I had a good ride last Sunday with Pete, Murray & Martin - the roads were crazy but it was good to get out for a quick burn. The Ocean Road just isn't the place to go on a m/bike anymore - speed limits, crazy drivers and cyclists make it an obstacle course for motorcyclists!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Sunday, January 03, 2010
First ride of 2010 - Happy New Year
Well I never expected to see so many old faces at Deans Marsh - seemed like everyone was there this morning! I got up early looked outside to check the weather - overcast and maybe some drizzle but at least none of the torrential rain like we had on New Years Eve. Its great to see rain but keep it to week days when we're all at work!
The ride down to Deans Marsh was the usual straight ride - just missing
the odd cyclist. The best bit is that stretch form the t-junction on the Cape Otway Road - but it's one eye on the road and the other on the look out for radars!
I didn't see another bike on the way to Deans but when I got to Martians it was unreal - the place was bursting at the seams with bikes! Ollie & the crew were there and Mick was out on the new bike - beautiful black Daytona - in great condition - a stable mate for the Sprint ST.
Then Glenn from Williamstown appeared on his new beast - an 1198s - he still has the Daytona and a Harley but loves the Duke! Then Dave & Delina pulled up after their ride down to the Cape and Waz pulled up with Sonya on the Harley!
Mick & I decided to go for a quick ride over
to Forrest and then back on the Cape Otway Rd. It was on the way back that we had a slight problem! We'd just turned onto Mt Duneed Rd when Mick pulled over - his gear shifter had snapped off!
It looked like a little crack had been there and it had worsened as he'd ridden it until it just broke off. It didn't take long for Mick to organise the rescue team - the car with the trailer was summoned to take the crippled Daytona back for repairs.
Waz told me he's putting together a calendar for the RAT rides and we should let him know of any specific events that are planned.
There's a ride on Sunday 10th January 2010 with the Triumph Riders of Victoria - leaving Texas in Mercer St @ 9am. Sounds like its going to be a good ride & plenty of interest.
So, Happy New Year and safe riding in 2010.
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