Where have all the RATs gone?

Well, I must say its been the quietest time I can remember in the Geelong Triumph Group since I started riding with them 5 years ago. Over the past couple of months the ride days have reduced in size to just a handful of riders and when I pulled up at last nights meeting to join the other two bikes it made me wonder - is the Geelong Triumph Group a distant memory! So where have all the RATs gone is the big question everyone asks... maybe it's just a busy time or maybe its colder - maybe the group has ran its course and has become just another routine in peoples lives!
So how can we make it more interesting? Well, new members would help - haven't seen many of those lately, maybe a guest speaker at the meetings to talk about tyres, suspension or maybe the occasional meeting with the Melbourne group etc.
If you've got ideas add them to the link on the blog so that we can get it happening.
For me personally, riding with the group over the past 5 years has been invigorating & I have made some very lasting friendships with some great people. The memories of Tassie, the week-end trips and the ride days will be with me forever. I hope it keeps on going for many more years to come...
Triumph Australia - Product Night & Demo Day
Triumph Australia have just mailed out a flyer announcing a Triumph Product review night on Tuesday 8th May @ 6:30pm. They are also organising a Demo Day on 12th May witha free t-shirt for all that rock up. Maybe now's the time to discuss the future of RAT in Geelong with the Triumph Australia team - give Craig or Mick a call before 3rd May at Peter Stevens if you want to attend.
Grampians Week-End
The Grampians Week-End is still on and takes place on the Sat/Sun 26th & 27th May 07. Plan is to stay in cabins in the Halls Gap Caravan Park - details to follow.
May 07 Ride Day
The May 07 ride day is on Sunday 6th May 07 - some of you that went to Newstead know that there's been a recent renewed interest in the Triumph Owners Group in Geelong and some of them actually rode with the Geelong RAT Group to Newstead. Well, there's two options on the 6th May! The Triumph Owners Group have a ride to a place called Baylis near Cranbourne to a rally leaving the Little River BP at 8:45am.
The regular RAT ride is still on as well so meet at the Wharfshed @ 8:30am for a 9am start.
Ride Day - April 07
I didn't get a chance to mention the April 07 ride day - time got the better of me...

It was an awesome ride to Lavers Hill and then back through Apollo Bay and through the Otways back to Forrest & Deans Marsh. Lots of gravel on the road out of Apollo Bay and up through the Otways had us thaking it easy. It was the last ride for Jay for a while as he's heading up to the border to take on a new teaching post as the school principal.
The weather was beautiful and then roads perfect - there were 4 of us that rode on from Birregurra to Lavers Hill and down into Apollo Bay for lunch.

The bit that sticks in my mind is the Harley rider on that stretch from Lavers Hill along the river valley that was in the middle of the road and had traffic banked up behind him - including a tractor!! He didn't hold us up but was a danger to anyone near him as he weaved out to the centre as we shot past!! Apart from the gravel the day was full of fun - its always a pleasure to ride those roads.
Latest Superbike candidates!
In case you haven't heard we have two potential superbike candidates in our midst!! Muz & Mick were on the track on Anzac Day on their new track bikes and I heard they were setting some hot lap times!! Look forward to seeing them on their new mounts on the track - look out Troy!
Blog Future Improvements
I'm thinking about making the blog more interesting too - maybe a few stories about individuals, a rider of the month feature, link to a separate page with all the rides, holiday ideas, breakfast stops - will need heaps of help so any volunteers that are keen computer buffs welcome!