The Marysville trip was another great week-end away and the Tower Hotel is recommended to anyone that wants a quiet week-end in lush green countryside - remember green grass - well there's plenty of it in Marysville (at the moment)!
We had a change of departure plan following discussions at Thursday nights meeting and decided to set off from the Olive Cafe in Pako - that way we were able to sample the coffee making style of the local barrista (Graeme & Tina's cafe) before we went on our merry way.
I was late getting there due to a technical hitch with the Triumph saddle bags - a plastic clip broke and the strap had to be replaced by a shoelace - good old Triumph quality! Anyway, the coffee was perfect and we were soon saddled up and ready. Murray, Mick, Leigh, myself and Jane set off to meet Cheryl & Mal in Bacchus Marsh.
In Bacchus Marsh Cheryl was waiting but no sign of Mal - he was still locking up. Then an sms - he couldn't get the Daytona started! The message said 'Go' so we did and left him behind - for now! We had to meet John B in Kilmore at the bakery so we knew lunch wasn't too far away. It was a casual ride out through Gisbourne & Lancefield and into Kilmore. The biggest surprise was when we saw Mal's bike parked there already! He'd raced up the freeway - I think...
We met John B and got going after a snack in the Kilmore bakery. He's riding a Thunderbird now - sold the black Speed 3.
The road from Broadford was going to be awesome and everyone was looking forward to some good roads and a few thrills. It always is a pleasure riding out through Strath Creek, Flowerdale and into Yea and last Saturday was no exception - it was awesome! We got to Yea and met the Great Victorian Bike Ride coming the other way. Anyway a quick refuel and it was onward ho!
As we approached Marysville it seemed like someone had turned the colours back on - and it wasn't anything I was smoking! The vivid green grass was almost emerald and the trees lush with leaves - it was heaven!! On the way into town, there was a familiar face sitting in the local cafe having a coffee - it was PJ on the Daytona 600.
We regrouped at the hotel, unpacked and some of us decided a ride up Lake Mountain was a good idea to end the day - and it was a brilliant idea. For anyone that's never riden up Lake Mountain you must do it one day... the road is unreal with curve after curve and perfect camber - a bit like a rollercoaster! A quick coffee at the top and then another thrill back down the mountain.
A quick beer at the local pub and a game of pool - Murray & me let the girls win...
Tea was at a place call In Neutral which is a biker cafe in town covered in all sorts of bike and car regellia inside - you can't miss it, theres a guy on a Suzuki hanging out of the wall at the front. It was a great meal and fun was had by all.
At closing time most of the gang went home but a few of the stragglers went back to the pub for a nightcap. It was not the sort of place you'd want to take your daughter or wife for that matter - I think feral might be the word I heard mentioned!! It was all happening - even a blow up sex doll sitting at the bar at one stage! Things got a bit out of hand when they had the doll smoking a cigarette - especially when it was thrown and the cigarette landed in my eye! Bloody painful getting a cigarette in the eye - wouldn't recommend trying it at home... anyway, a bit of first aid and it was off to bed for us all.
Next morning it was a big breakkie down the local cafe with the King Parrots trying to snatch the food from our plates. PJ came over on the Speedmaster and the paint job on the tank looks great. Then we set off back to Geelong via the same route that we had arrived. Murray & Mick went to the racing at Broadford but everyone else kept going with a quick stop in Gisbourne to stretch and top up our bellys.
It was a great week-end and I'll be dreaming about that ride up Lake Mountain for a while...