Only three RATs rocked up for this one and it was great to see a new rider join us - Pete on a black Sprint RS.

It was a short ride down to our old faithful - Martians Cafe for breakfast and we were lucky with the weather as only a shower or two crossed our path on the way. That shiny bitumen and wet roads in the tree areas is alway suspicious so it was caution all round as we dropped down into Deans Marsh.
As usual the food was great and after a hearty feed we jumped back in the saddle and made our way home before those storms and hail came our way. Deans Marsh always seems to get hit with those big squalls so its best to make a move when the going looks good!
It was a good steady ride and although it was a bit cold we were lucky with the elements.
Time to get out the thermals and winter woolies! I'm looking forward to hearing how Leigh & Janine went up in the Grampians with Rod & Shirley - would have been a wild night up there.