The Monthly Meeting has come round again and is on Thursday night (30th March) at the Wharfshed Cafe.
Next Ride Day
The next ride day is on Sunday 9th April leaving the Wharfshed at 9:30am. An idea is to have a short morning ride to Ballarat via Stieglitz & Brisbane Ranges and then lunch at The Grapes Hotel where we can discuss the calendar for the rest of the years outings. So if you've any ideas or thoughts on rides/weekends away let them be known so they can be included.

Mick (red Sprint) has made some enquiries with Reading Cinemas about pre-screenings for the The Worlds Fastest Indian which starts showing next week. Reading Cinemas in Waurn Ponds are having a pre-screening on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 1:30pm. Anyone fancy an afternoon at the flicks? We'll have a chat at the Wharfshed meeting to work out a time that suits most people.