It was a good turnout for the August Monthly Meeting despite the chilly night air.
Craig was there showing us the beast of the Triumph fleet - the Rocket III. It's a mean looking machine - there were many standing there looking at it as he started up to ride away and you could almost read their minds - "Ohh I'd love a ride on that thing..."
There's a big change to the calender - The Everton Weekend that was planned for the Melbourne Cup Weekend has now been changed as a lot of people from Geelong don't get Melbourne Cup Day off work.

The new date for the Everton Weekend is Grand Final Weekend - Sat 24th - Mon 26th September 05. So update your calender.
The Australian Motorcycle Expo. - plan is to meet at 9:00am at the Wharfshed on Sunday 18th for a ride to the expo. Craig is approaching Peter Stevens to try and get some complimentary tickets for the group.
There was some discussion about next years trip but it has been decided that a special meeting is needed on a week-end with a bbq to plan this event - details to follow.

One bike stood out as it sparkled in the lights from the Wharfshed Cafe - Dave that Daytona is looking hot...